Music Ministry

We are currently seeking a Director of Music Ministry,

for more information, please contact the church office.


The FPC Children's Choir is for all kids ages Pre-K through 6th Grade. Rehearsals are held on Wednesdays during our after-school program, Pathways, with rehearsal videos available for younger kids on our Children's Choir YouTube channel.  Whether a child is a born soloist or more comfortable standing in the back, all are encouraged in the joy of sending our musical praises to God together. 


The FPC Adult Handbell Choir is for adults of all ages and for any high school student who wants to ring. The Handbell Choir rings for Sunday morning worship on a monthly or bi-monthly basis, and for Christmas and Easter, with rehearsals on Thursday evenings at 6PM. (Being able to read music is not required to ring!)


The FPC Youth Handbell Choir is for students in 1st through 12th grade, with older students ringing our handbells and elementary students ringing our two octaves of handchimes. All ringers ring from sheet music, though reading music is not a requirement. All ringers must be able to read at a 1st-grade level, however. We rehearse on Sunday mornings, immediately following worship. 


The FPC Praise Team is made up of members of the congregation on FPC, on a volunteer basis. Adults, college, and high school students are welcome! The Praise Team leads the congregation in worship each Sunday, also frequently offering special music as a full band or smaller ensembles / soloists. All levels of experience and all variety of instrumentalists and voices are welcome.