What to Expect on a Sunday?

We are an intergenerational community committed to:

  • growing in God's Word
  • fostering an environment where we can grow in faith
  • extending the good news of Jesus generously to one another and the world around us

Worship begins at 10:30 AM in our beautiful sanctuary.  

We seek to provide meaningful worship for all generations, with a blend of modern and historic music and prayers with bible-based teaching that proclaims the good news of Jesus for our lives.

You can check out videos on our Facebook page.

We welcome children in worship. 

Nursery care is provided for children ages infant-3 years. The nursery is located on the main floor, through the doors in the front of the sanctuary.  

Children's worship activity bags are available as you enter.  Please enjoy the activities and leave the fidgets and crayons for next week. 

Children in pre-K through 2nd grace are invited to kids' programming during the sermon, and can be picked up after the benediction.  

To volunteer with Children’s Ministry, please contact the church office to complete a background check.