First Presbyterian Church is blessed with many young families and children involved in the life of the church. We desire to provide opportunities for children to learn the biblical story, grow in their faith, and be nurtured in a caring community. Teaching biblically-solid truths in an engaging and fun way is very important to us. Children participate in a variety of programs, music and drama ministries, as well as our annual Vacation Bible School.
Children's Ministry Programs
Nursery is provided on Sundays from 9:15 AM until 11:45 AM for children ages infant to 3 years.
The nursery is equipped with toys, a changing station, snacks. A restroom is located conveniently within the nursery. The nursery is located on the main floor off of the assembly room, through the doors in the front of the sanctuary.
From 9:15-10:15 AM on Sunday morning, children are invited upstairs to spend time learning about God and the Bible in age-specific classrooms led by great teachers.
During Sunday worship, kids are dismissed before the sermon for an age-appropriate worship time upstairs. The children will spend time doing crafts, hearing Bible stories, and having other age-appropriate opportunities for growth in faith. Children in worship is for kids ages 4 through 2nd grade.
Our Wednesday afterschool program welcomes kids in K-6th grade from 3:30-5:30 pm. Busing is available from Waynesburg Central Elementary School. During Pathways, kids play games, study Bible lessons and learn ways that they can apply what they learn in their lives, and get to share about what they do in school, at home, and with their friends.
On the 4th Sunday evenings of the month, there is a special activity for our 3rd through 6th graders. This will be an event tailored just for them as they will have an opportunity to play crazy games, hang out with their friends, and learn about their faith.