We Value Gospel Generosity

The act of giving is a reflection of God's character and an expression of our relationship with Jesus Christ.  

Because Jesus has so freely given himself for us, God's people are called to give generously as well.  

Our time, abilities, and financial resources are the means God uses to worship him and tangibly love others in our community and our world. 

Giving to the General Fund

Giving to the general fund supports our ministries to children, youth, and families. 

It creates opportunities for university students and adults, and our weekly gathering for Sunday morning worship. 

Your gift provides the means to care for our staff and facilities.

Giving to Faith Promise

Giving to Faith Promise is our commitment to bless those who serve others in Jesus' name near and far!  

Our generous mission giving supports Greene County ministries as Children’s Bible Ministries, the Waynesburg Crisis Pregnancy Center, and WWJD Center in West Waynesburg. It extends to regional and national ministries as Pine Springs Camp, Equip International, Wycliffe Bible Translators. Your gift also supports global workers in the Caribbean, Africa, and Asia.